Friday, December 30, 2005

Too Hot!!!!

Is anyone actually enjoying this revolting hot weather we are having in Melb at the moment? I can tell you that I'm not. Sweat (or as my mum would insist - perspiration) dripping out of every pore, lethargy so intense that it's a challenge to move beyond the supine position - yuk!!!

Bring on Autumn I say, I am so over Summer already :(

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas everyone. I was a bit bored last night so began browsing then net and 2peas and found a LO I really liked and decided to case it. I used a photo I took of Courtney tonight. She was very reluctant to sit (I can't imagine why she doesn't like me sticking my lens in her face all the time...) but I managed a couple of OK shots.
My tree is pink and white hence the colour scheme of this LO.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and be patient and drive safely.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Sad news

Today our dear little pup Lily passed away from suspected heart failure. It was heart wrenching to see her so distressed and lose her. She was only on this earth for 10 weeks and 2 days but we will love and remember her forever. Rest in peace beautiful baby.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Last LO for 2005

I'm pretty sure with the madness in the lead up to Christmas Day that this will be the last LO I complete for this year. I was thinking of having a New Year's Scrap-a-thon but we'll see if that eventuates.
These LOs are of my beautiful new pups, Zak and Lily. As I write this, Lily is very sick and I am praying that she survives the night and is on the mend tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers too.

First Post

Well, I've succumbed to the world of the web log and am officially a "blogger" with this first post. I'm playing at the moment and taking it all in. Will post something more 'me' when I work it all out.