Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Underestimating the Princess

We never really know what we are capable of until we try and it seems I underestimated my baby girls ability to cope in the feral environment so fondly known as camping.

Due to work and social schedules, we hadn't really had much of a chance to catch up about her adventure but she crawled into bed with me last night and we chatted for a couple of hours.

Listening to her stories made me laugh. She had a ball and actually wants to repeat the experience (although I'm sure I heard mention of a hotel/motel next time LOL).

As the family expert, she now shares her knowledge that it is completely unnecessary to take 3 changes of clothes per day when you travel to Echuca in the summer. Apparently you can just live in your bikini. Food isn't a problem either. Just become a carnivore for a few days and eat meat straight off the barbie. If you really want some variety, jump in the car and head into town for some Macca's.

She's definitely braver than I am. Camping does not, and will not feature on my list of 'things to do'. Even with her advice, I can't see myself wandering around a resort town in a bikini (read OMG) and even though I don't regularly eat veggies, I think barbie food or Macca's for a week would be a bit beyond my delicate constitution.

Go Courtney! You are a champion...LOL


Blogger Elisa said...

WOW way to go Courtney!!! I am glad she had a great time. I hope that when my girls and boy are that age they will crawl into bed with me for a chat....that really gave me warm fuzzies. You are blessed to have such a great relationship....what a great mum you are :)

4:33 PM  
Blogger Rach Leeke said...

way to go princess.... sounds Unreal.... I had totally blocked outta my life my time I went camping... Ekkkkk never again ... gotta have atleast a caravan for me ...

10:18 PM  

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