The Princess Goes Camping

Darling daughter Courtney has often been described (especially by her friends) as a princess. Not because of the poise and grace one would associate with royalty but because she hates getting dirty, wears at least 3 sets of clothes a day, will not help in the garden because you get the picture.
Last weekend, she decided to toddle off to Echuca to go camping with 4 of her princess friends. Yes, indeedy, I said CAMPING. "My princess roughing it" I chuckled to myself. Remember, this is a girl who had the trip of a lifetime for a month to the US and, after 4 days in a HOTEL, wanted to come home to her own bathroom. Now, not being one to discourage my children in any pursuit they choose to explore, I tried to be supportive.
Advice on what to take was beyond me as I have never explored the pasttime of camping (hear NO WAY on God's green earth) but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have considered my hair straightener, mobile phone charger and toaster as absolute necessities - but what do I know.
When I asked where she would plug these items in, she sighed and explained that they had a powered sight. Common sense dictated to me that for safety reasons, the outlet would probably be fairly high and I had visions of her holding the toaster above her head waiting for toast - again, you get the picture.
As she continued to pack for the big event my amusement increased with the size of the suitcase she was taking. I didn't know you even took suitcases camping. Must take at least 3 changes of clothes for everyday because we might get wet or dirty LOL. Now if it was me, I would have taken jeans, shorts, track pants - you know, casual stuff and, heaven forbid, washable. I just couldn't see where a slinky beaded top was going to be of any use at all.
Then came the bedding. It was extrememly hard to supress my laughter as she decided the foam camp mattress and sleeping bag was not going to do so she removed the double mattress off the sofa bed and rolled it up to take up most of the room in the back of her car. Add fitted sheets, pink fluffy blanket and a doona and the bedding was taken care of.
Once the other essentials were packed (make-up, perfume, aeroguard) she was off for a week camping in Echuca.
Just after she arrived I received a call...oops forgot the eski, camp table and the extension cord to plug in said toaster - looks like she would be holding it above her head after all. Doesn't matter she'll rough it she says. "Mum," she says. "There are flies everywhere when we cook" hmmmmmmmmmmm........."Really," I say "that's no good at all" chuckle, snort, chortle
She's rung a few times "just to say hello" (I'm thinking someone's missing her mum - and possibly the comforts of home) but says she's having a great time. She was supposed to stay until Sunday but guess what? She's on her way home now. Something about driving in the cool of the day - errr.... it's actually 38degrees celcius here atm).
I can't wait to hear all about her adventure. She didn't take a camera (not a scrapper's daughter - goodness) but I'm sure her tales will make for good imagining.
Wait for the update LOL
roflmao that is definitely a princesses way of going camping. Courtney you have definitely given me a good laugh
rofl - hmm not that i go camping often but have never thought to take a hair straightner or a toaster....I would rate the esky far more important than make up - but then i'm hardly a princess....will have been an adventure for least a caravan park she can have a hot shower!
was thinking the other day about how insulated I have brought up my girls as they have never been camping and when I showed them where we camped years ago the "No toilet or shower" comments went with incredible facial expressions. This also was followed later that night by a comment from Brooke about not really liking restaurants (insert club here) where you have to go and stand in a line to order your food and go to the bar to get your own drinks. LOL
from Jenni
Aren't they precious little morsals these daughters of ours....God forbid that one could possibly go anywhere without straightening the hair and if a drop of rain occurs or God forbid you touch their hair with wet hands...r u getting the picture??...I can so relate ROFL
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