Thursday, January 12, 2006

Tag Fun

A is for age: 42
B is for booze of choice: I don't drink alcohol. I did when I was 19. First time ever. Had 5 tequila sunrises in an hour yummo.....was new years eve and walked down the street kissing every man in the street for NY, got home and wondered why the room was spinning. Killer was going to a Cold Chisel concert at the Myer Music Bowl the next day and sitting right near the speakers...OMG I swore I'd never drink again and I haven't LOL
C is for career: Now, I've had a few of these. Started off in a Bank for 7 years. The went to uni and became a primary school teacher. Did that for 7 years (spotting a trend are you?) Then uni again and am now a Team Manager and ALS Paramedic (8 whole years). Thinking it's time to get ready for another change.
D is for your dad’s name: My dear dad's name was Terry
E is for essential items to bring to a party: The present.
F is for favorite song at the moment: I love music and like lots of songs but there is one by Craig David on my dd's CD in the car that I love. Can't read the CD cover while I'm driving so don't know the name of it.
G is for favorite game: To play????? Don't know. To watch....gotta be Basketball.
H is for hometown: Currently, Wallan about 50kms North of Melbourne.
I is for instruments you play: It doesn't say you have to play them well so I can play the guitar and the piano a bit.
J is for jam or jelly you like: Loooove raspberry or orange (actually I mix orange and pineapple yummmmm) jelly and Blackberry jam
K is for kids: 2. Marc who will be 20 in April and Courtney who is 18 going on 35
L is for living arrangements: With Courtney, 3 cats and 2 dogs
M is for mum’s name: Dear mum's name is Phyllis.
N is for name of your crush: In school, Alan Barrassi - Nephew of football great Ron. He was a cutie. I think we even kissed .
O is for overnight hospital stays: Several. Earliest when I was about 4 or 5 and they were feeding me penicillin for something and I got really sick. Admitted me to hospital and kept feeding me penicillin until they realised that was what the problem was. Next when I was 20 to have my wisdom teeth out. Idiot surgeon sewed my gum to my cheek and I was in agony. Next when I had my kids. I hate hospital btw.
P is for phobias: Claustrophobia. I HATE confined spaces and having my arms trapped. I also have an insane fear of being buried alive. I wonder what that's called.
Q is for quotes you like:– If you love something set it free. If it comes back it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was. Oh and....... A smile costs nothing.... that's really a poem but...
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: If we're talking friendship then I have been friends with Tania for 32 years!!!!! Unfortunately the romantic side of life hasn't been quite so successful with a 5 year marriage my claim to fame.
S is for sexual preference: Hmmmm, I've forgotten what this is...only kidding....male.
T is for Texture: Well actually, there wasn't a T in the original tag so I made it up LOL. My favourite texture in food is belgian chocolate melting in my mouth yummmmm. To touch, well that would be baby's skin.
U is for underwear: Gotta be cotton. Can't stand that horrible synthetic rubbish. And what is it with G strings. The permanent wedgie....gross!
V is for vegetable you love: LOL...this is a joke right? People actually LOVE veggies????? I don't think so. I don't eat them. Well, that's not entirely true. I eat potatoes yum....and I will tolerate broccoli only because it is the most nutritious and I figure if I have to eat one, I'm going to get value.
W is for the wildest thing you've ever done : Now this wasn't in the original tag either (has the alphabet shrunk???) but...abseiling forwards down a cliff was awesome. I loved that. Oh and paragliding in QLD.
X is for x-rays you’ve had: Actually had one yesterday morning on my neck and back post back injury at work on Sunday.
Y is for yummy food you make: There had to be a catch..."make."...hmmm...that would be cheesecake. It doesn't happen very often though.
Z is for zodiac sign: Typical Virgo.
I TAG Elisa


Blogger Elisa said...

Sorry Darl but Sue has already tagged me :)

I agree totally about the g-strings...I mean, what the?

8:54 PM  
Blogger Jodii said...

lol G's are so comfy girls i cant stand full briefs now thats a full on wedgie

10:09 PM  
Blogger Jodii said...

Hi Pammy, there was a W is for weekend plans on the one i tagged rach with

9:57 AM  
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