Jam or Jelly

This is a disgusting photo of me, I know. It's relevance relates to the title of this post. Can you guess where I am having jam on toast for brekky?
Anyway, Alex has my blog address now and knows all there is to know about me (he has suggested contacting some of my friends for more info- particularly of the embarassing kind- but I know they wouldn't do that to me....would you guys?).
Add one brownie point - he likes raspberry jam too and just happened to have some in his very sparse bachelor pantry (hmmm, I wonder what my excuse is for a lean pantry?).
He pointed the jam out because one of the tag questions on this blog is about Jam or Jelly. Now I differentiate between the two because, of course they are very different but Americans (as Alex is) call jam - jelly and he asked me what our jelly would be the equivalent to.
Now here's my dilemma, I have no idea. So, if any of you clever bloggers have experienced this culinary delight while travelling the USA, please enlighten me.
...I always wondered why (and how) you would put jelly on a peanut butter sandwich...the how makes sense now but I'm still asking myself why on earth would you mix jam and peanut butter - YUK!
Pam I was right lol. Our jelly is equivalent to their JELLO isnt it
Thanks Jodii (for the Jello not the being right bit LOL) I can always rely on you.
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