Great Night

You know how you meet someone and things are just ...I don't know....easy, like you're supposed to be there. Well that's how I feel about a new friend I have - Alex. We had a great dinner at Southbank and then he happily wandered with me for a while to indulge my desire to take photos of our gorgeous city at night. His company is an absolute pleasure.
These shots are from his apartment balcony. It is the most awsome view I've seen. I had a ball taking them and if I said "phenomenal" to him once, I think I said it twenty times. I'm pretty sure he realises how cool I think his home is LOL.
I had an awesome night!
oh Pam that sounds so promising and does he live in a helicopter?
Woohoo Pam once again glad you had a great night and what great pictures. What floor does he live on to get that spectacular view
LOL...not a helicopter, although it is pretty high up on the 55th floor.
Eureka Tower is the tallest building in Melbourne and the tallest residential building in the world atm. When it's complete there will be a public observation deck on the 88th floor. Will definitely be taking my camera up there.
OH dear Pam a man somethign you have neglected to mention certainly wasnt announced in the daily papers hurumph.....Now you have to tell us did you meet him through work.......ROTFLMAO
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